Wednesday, March 25, 2020

The Prince and the Political System free essay sample

This paper examines how Machiavelli viewed the political system, discussing what constitutes a successful leader, how to govern a nation and maintain strength and political power, no matter by what means, no matter what the cost. This paper discusses Niccolo Machiavellis famous work on how to governing, The Prince. The author examines Machiavellis beliefs regarding ones rise to power, and how to maintain such control. His theory, still practiced in modern times, states that a strong leader will do whatever he can to maintain power, use as much force and deception necessary, but only if for the absolute good of the people, not for his own personal benefit. Throughout The Prince, Machiavelli refers to virt?, or the characteristic that is needed in any great leader. He also says that Agathocles doesnt have this quality for the way in which he takes the power in Syracuse. Because of this, it is important to define virt? so that we can better determine if Agathocles act displays virt?. We will write a custom essay sample on The Prince and the Political System or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Literally, virt? is Greek for manly excellence, but that is too vague and virtue as we know it today doesnt quite grasp the meaning used here either. Machiavelli seems to encompass a lot of personality traits into his definition of virtu.

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